At CAISSA, we specialize in guiding our clients through the transition to retirement with clarity and confidence. Whether planning for a comfortable retirement or already enjoying it, we help you integrate financial aspects like taxes, withdrawal rates, and asset location, ensuring your chosen lifestyle is sustainable. Our role as your personal CFO is to meticulously plan your financial roadmap for the future so you can focus on what truly matters.

Early Retirement Decision - Read John's Story

As John drew closer to retirement, he was faced with a decision to accept an early retirement package or continue working until his planned retirement date. John was concerned that shortening his earning years may result in fewer resources to support his desired quality of life in retirement. CAISSA modeled cash flows that showed him how his retirement needs would be funded.

The modeling highlighted his pension income, social security benefits, and portfolio withdrawals. We also explored various scenarios that modified specific variables to illustrate the impact of a plan deviation. CAISSA was able to show him that his plan was strong and his long-term wealth goals achievable. Because he fully understood the impact of each option, he was able to feel confident in his retirement timing.

Peace of Mind while Transitioning into Retirement - Read Ann's Story

Ann planned to sell her medical practice upon retirement and needed to develop an investment strategy for the proceeds. Her goal was to ensure that the resulting portfolio of assets sustained her ongoing lifestyle needs throughout her retirement years. We worked with Ann to implement CAISSA’s Tranches of Income investment framework.

This meant defining Ann’s withdrawal needs over the near-, mid-, and long-term so her portfolio could balance liquidity needs against investment time horizon. CAISSA also assessed Ann’s risk tolerance as we built out her investment strategy. From there, CAISSA implemented our Torpedo Proofing™ approach – looking for potential “torpedoes” that could cause her plan to go off course.

This process helped Ann understand that she had accumulated sufficient resources to sustain her goals, a clear understanding of the investment strategy funding her retirement, and peace of mind knowing that her plan had been stress tested against potential unknowns. Ann is now able to enjoy her retirement years knowing she has the funds to support her desired lifestyle.